Destination Canada

by Harald Fabian and Karl Teuschl

Published 12 March 1992
All the countries of the European Community together would barely fill half of Canada's land area. Its almost unimaginable distances and the variety of its landscape and culture have made this second largest country on earth a travellers' mecca. There they find gigantic glaciers in the north, the granite cliffs of the Rocky Mountains in the west, endless fields of grain and pasture land, and vast forests. They also find cities whose jagged skylines vie with those in the United States, offering a fast life-style among steel and glass skyscrapers and post-modern shopping malls and entertainment centers. Yet Canada is also a home of traditions,a land of ancient customs and legends from the era of gold miners and pioneers. An introduction by the journalist Harald R. Fabian portrays this country, its culture and its history. An anthology of literary excerpts offers an impression of Canadian life post and present, while the glossary by Karl Teuschl provides information on sights to see and typically Canadian features. Finally, Harald Mante's photographs capture the life in this country.