30 Days March - April

by Tara Booth

Published 15 January 2019
Contemplating a show in Germany, settling in Chicago or leaving, the stress of Kickstarter. This is the second book in a six book/bi-monthly series chronicling the artist's daily life living sober - humor, honesty, astonishingly uncensored scenarios drawn in vivid color. Each bi-monthly edition will be 72 pages, flip issue manner -- the reader flips the book in the middle, dividing each month -- pull-out poster in the middle.

30 Days January - February

by Tara Booth

Published 13 November 2018
First 30 days of sobriety - visiting the coasts, reaching out to an ex, nature, friends and family. The first book of a six book/bi-monthly series chronicling the artist's daily life living sober - humor, honesty, astonishingly uncensored scenarios drawn in vivid color. Each bi-monthly edition will be 72 pages, flip issue manner -- the reader flips the book in the middle, dividing each month -- pull-out poster in the middle.