Book 1

New Kid at School

by Kate McMullan

Published 1 October 1997
Wiglaf is off to Dragon Slayers' Academy and in for a first day of school he will never forget.

Book 2

Revenge of the Dragon Lady

by Kate McMullan

Published 1 October 1997
After accidentally killing a dragon, Wiglaf hopes his friends at Dragon Slayers' Academy will be able to help him prove himself a hero when he faces that dragon's mother, Seetha, the Beast from the East.

Book 3

Class Trip to the Cave of Doom

by Kate McMullan

Published 1 September 1998
The Dark Forest just doesn't seem like the best place for a class trip. But that's where Seetha the dragon hid her gold, so that's where Wiglaf and the other kids from D.S.A. have to go-even if it means entering the booby-trapped Cave of Doom!

Book 4

Wedding for Wiglaf?

by Kate McMullan

Published 23 November 1998

Book 5

Knight for a Day

by Kate McMullan

Published 1 August 1999

Book 5

Wiglaf wins a contest that brings Sir Lancelot to the Dragon Slayers' Academy for a day, but when Wiglaf's friend Erica suspects that Lancelot is not who he claims to be, trouble ensues.

Book 5

Knight for a Day #5

by Kate McMullan

Published 15 September 2003
When Wiglaf learns that he has won "A Day With Sir Lancelot (The World's Most Perfect Knight)," he can hardly believe it. His friend Erica can't believe it, either! And when the big day arrives, she is even more doubtful. Is Erica just jealous, or is there something fishy about The World's Most Perfect Knight?

Book 6

After the witch, Morgana le Fay, puts a curse on Sir Lancelot, three knights-in-training from the Dragon Slayers' Academy set out to save him.

Book 6

Sir Lancelot, Where Are You? #6

by Kate McMullan

Published 15 September 2003
The evil witch Morgana le Fay has put a terrible curse on Sir Lancelot, and it's up to Wiglaf and his DSA buddies to find and save him. But they're just dragon-slayers-in-training. Can they really outsmart the trolls, witches, and other villains that stand in their way?

Book 6

Book 7

Wheel of Misfortune

by Kate McMullan

Published 1 November 1999

Book 8

Countdown to the Year 1000

by Kate McMullan

Published 1 December 1999

Book 8

Book 9

97 Ways to Train a Dragon

by Kate McMullan

Published 1 September 2003

Book 10

Book 11

Book 12

Book 13

Book 14

Book 15

Double Dragon Trouble

by Kate McMullan

Published 1 October 2005