
by Michael Grant

Published 10 March 1977
The author looks at the gospels with an historian's eye, in search of the authentic Jesus. He seeks to separate those portions of the gospels that refer to the true career and teachings of Jesus, from the subsequent additions or inventions by the evangelists. The gospels are studied in the same way as other ancient historical sources, endeavouring to reconstruct what really happened and to uncover the truth of the historical Jesus. The picture of Jesus that emerges is in some respects unfamiliar.

The Twelve Caesars

by Michael Grant

Published 1 January 1975
The personalities of the 12 Caesars of Ancient Rome (Julius Caesar and the 11 emperors who followed after him) have profoundly impressed themselves upon the world, largely because of Suetonius' biographies of them. Using contemporary documents, this book attempts to penetrate the fog of superstition and rumour that has gathered around these men. The author examines how these potentates wielded their power, how they coped, or failed in their task, and he considers the effects of their intensely demanding public careers on their private lives. He also questions the truth of the many stories which have suggested that the Caesars were consumed by erotic eccentricities.