This book presents the story of the gunpowder plot, seen through the eyes of Guy Fawkes. It describes the tunnelling under Parliament, the storing of the gunpowder, the discovery of the secret room, and Guy's capture and imprisonment.

Little Histories: Guy Fawkes

by Rob Childs

Published 16 March 2000
This book is the story of the gunpowder plot, seen through the eyes of Guy Fawkes. It describes the tunnelling under Parliament, the storing of the gunpowder, the discovery of the secret room, and Guy's capture and imprisonment.

My Uncle Was Sir Francis Drake

by Rob Childs

Published 21 September 2000
This book tells the story of young Robin Newman, nephew of the famous explorer. Robin is his cabin boy on the Golden Hind, and later plays a key role in the defeat of the Spanish Armada.