This is a practical guide written in plain English for anyone new to the world of computers who wants to learn how to use them, and what they can do. The book is written in down-to-earth language, completely free of techno-babble, and designed to be understood by readers with no previous experience of operating computers. The book is application-based, covering areas such as MS Office, email, internet shopping, digital camera, music download, and much, much more. It takes readers straight into the practical application (skipping the "theory"), and explains how to get going quickly in the chosen area of interest. This will be an invaluable guide for people who just want the basics - and a quick and easy guide to using their new computer to do the things they want to do straight away, without fuss and without all the detailed technical stuff which other computer books seem so full of.

This is another in the "In Ninety Minutes" series, which offers the reader a comprehensive but easily readable and easily digestible text covering a specific topic in an hour and a half of study. There are many free Content Management Systems available. These 'websites in a box' allow complex site structures to be up and running in a matter of hours, using nothing but a web browser. In 90 minutes, readers will be able to identify the best CMS for their needs, locate a suitable hosting company, upload the code and configure it to match their design and functionality needs. Topics covered include the following: overview of CMS systems vs static HTML or 'home-grown' sites; evaluating CMS systems; choosing the right web space and server functionality; installing a CMS (focusing on the Mambo and Joomla! CMSs); building your content's structure; installing additional modules (including forums and ecommerce); modifying the look and feel of the site; optimising the CMS for search engines; modifing the back-end database using phpMyAdmin; and backing up the site.

This is another in the "In Ninety Minutes" series, which offers readers a comprehensive but easily readable and digestible text covering a specific topic in an hour and a half of study. How do you promote your website? If you build it, people won't necessarily come. Promotion is one of the most important tasks of today's marketing professionals. In 90 minutes, this book will show you how search engines rank your site against competitors and how you can tweak your web code to get one step ahead of them. Topics include the following: an overview of search engines and how they work; adding meta tags to your site; streamlining your HTML code - stripping out the dead wood; validating your HTML and CSS code; finding the right keywords and adding content of value; optimising your site for your chosen keywords; getting links to your site; tracking your effectiveness through web statistics; and, offline promotion. Having a website with no visitors is like having a high street shop with no one walking in through the door.
By optimising the range and quality of your products or services, special offers, inducements, lures, special events and creditable endorsements, both shops and websites can draw in the visitors. This book shows you how to create real interest and profit in your website.