Guglielmo Marconi

by Nina Morgan

Published 30 November 1990
This series looks at the development of scientific thought and discovery through the lives and achievements of some of the world's great scientists. The book follows the life of Marconi and shows how his work as a pioneering physicist and inventor helped to establish radio communications. Marconi's passion for experiment with electricity and sound are described and it is this which led him to the invention of the first practical system of wireless telegraphy. The book shows how Marconi, with determination and vision, developed his early success in transmitting messages over a short distance without wires into a world-wide system of radio communication. Illustrations help to explain the nature of radio waves to the young reader.

Thomas Edison

by Nina Morgan

Published 30 June 1991
This is one of a series which looks at the development of scientific thought and discovery through the lives and achievements of some of the world's great scientists. Focusing on the life and times of Thomas Edison, this book traces his development from young experimenter to accomplished inventor and mature businessman. A schoolteacher described Edison as backward, but great powers of determination and use of his wits led to his patenting of over 1000 inventions, including the phonograph, the electric light bulb and an improvement to Bell's telephone.