Like A Boss

by Adam Rakunas

Published 2 June 2016
In this breathless and hilarious followup toWindswept, former labor organiser Padma's worst nightmare comes true- she gets yanked out of early retirement. After buying her favourite rum distillery and settling down, she thought she'd heard the last of her arch nemesis, Evanrute Saarien. But Saarien, fresh out of prison for his misdeeds inWindswept, has just fabricatedanew religion, positioning himself as its holy leader. He's telling his congregation to go on strike, to fight the system. And unfortunately, they're listening to him.

Now Padma's summoned by the Union president to help stop this strike from happening. The problem is, she's out of practice. And, the more she digs, the more she realises this whole strike business is more complicated than the Union president let on...

File Under-Science Fiction Fraud Almighty / City on Fire / Let's Be Reasonable Please / All Outta Bubble Gum


by Adam Rakunas

Published 1 September 2015
Nominated for the 2016 Philip K. Dick Award

Labor organizer Padma Mehta is on the edge of space and the edge of burnout. All she wants is to buy out a little rum distillery and retire, but she's supposed to recruit 500 people to the Union before she can. She's only thirty-three short. So when a small-time con artist tells her about forty people ready to tumble down the space elevator to break free from her old bosses, she checks it out - against her better judgment. It turns out, of course, it was all lies.

As Padma should know by now, there are no easy shortcuts on her planet. And suddenly retirement seems farther away than ever- she's just stumbled into a secret corporate mission to stop a plant disease that could wipe out all the industrial sugarcane in Occupied Space. If she ever wants to have another drink of her favorite rum, she's going to have to fight her way through the city's warehouses, sewage plants, and up the elevator itself to stop this new plague.

File Under-Science Fiction Plagues, Plots & Planets | One-Eyed Wonder | Bad Tips, Good Tipples | This Little Bar I Know