Within every science classroom there are students waiting to be inspired. All these students need is the right motivation. That's exactly what this one-of-a kind guide will help you provide. And along the way, you'll quickly learn that the motivational tools that are most effective with adolescent boys don't always work with adolescent girls-and vice versa.

At the heart of Enhancing Adolescents' Motivation for Science is a collection of research-proven strategies on how best to motivate students in science-and once students are motivated, scientific literacy soon follows. Across chapters, Shumow and Schmidt:

* Detail key motivational constructs specific to science with illustrative vignettes

* Address gender differences that influence how girls and boys are motivated

* Describe how to make science learning relevant, accessible, and enjoyable

* Reduce science anxiety and build student confidence, especially among girls

* Offer motivational strategies that are consistent with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Much more than a professional book, Enhancing Adolescents' Motivation for Science also includes a companion website packed with video clips, links, and tutorials. All in all, there's no better resource for fuelling the student motivation so central to science literacy.