
by George Victor

Published 1 January 1998
Written by a psychotherapist with experience in evaluating personality disorders, this volume concentrates on Adolf Hitler, looking at the motives that drove him to commit such atrocities as the Holocaust. It aims to show that the implementation of the Final Solution was the root of Hitler's most disastrous military decisions and that he had plans to sterilize millions of ordinary Germans. The author argues that many of Hitler's war decisions, which led to Germany's defeat, were not errors at all. Rather, they were calculated risks taken to advance Hitler's own secret agenda, of which even his top generals were unaware. Among Hitler's intentionally disastrous orders, the author includes allowing the British to escape at Dunkirk, delaying and then cancelling the invasion of England, attacking the Soviet Union, halting the advance of Moscow, declaring war on the United States, and ordering his Sixth army to stand at Stalingrad.