Blossom Time

by Joan Smith

Published 28 May 1997
One of those dashing rogues too attractive to ignore, Lord Harwell featured largely in Rosalind Lovelace's fantasies. But she had too much common sense to let dreams colour her reality. Harwell was a friend and neighbour - and destined to marry some incomparable beauty. However, now that her poetry had won the attention of literary lion Lord Sylvester, whose own presence bestowed a grand dose of Spring fever on Apple Hill, love was in bloom. Most passionately in the heart of Harwell, who never fully appreciated the rose that had blossomed quite literally under his nose! But was he now too late?

A Highwayman Came Riding

by Joan Smith

Published 28 March 1998
The penny-pinching duchess, determined not to pay for another night's lodging, insists her coach travel the perilous roads outside London. In doing so, she was all but begging for the unwanted attentions of a roving thief. It is her companion, Marianna Harkness, who first hears the pounding hoofbeats, and who boldly meets the gaze of the handsome highwayman Captain Jack. However, nothing goes as planned - for the victims or the criminals - and the duchess leaves it to Marianne to rescue her diamonds from Captain Jack's clutches. But soon adventure turns to mayhem, as Marianne discovers that the only way to reform the scoundrel is to fall in love with him!

Larcenous Lady

by Joan Smith

Published 12 November 1987