Book 1

After a narrow escape from capture by the dastardly vampires, the vigilantes can at last piece together their enemy's wicked plans. The recent horrors of Hallowe'en (see book 2: Nightmare on Eck Street) are nothing compared with what lies ahead for the residents of Chumley and indeed all of Britain. For quietly, carefully, the vampires are awaiting the Return of the Master . . .

Nightmare on Eck Street

by Michael Cox

Published 14 March 2002
Hallowe'en is fast approaching, and it's clear to the vigilantes, Claire and Jason, from their experiences and research that the vampire invasion has spread far and wide. Matters become even more complicated when Vladimir, the Blodvats' son, decides he wants to become a human, creating even more chaos and confusion amongst the innocent people of Chumley. However, the vigilantes are no longer alone in their crusade. But will their new recruits be strong enough to overcome the enemy?

The quiet, if dull, town of Chumley-by-Eck is the home of the blood sausage making industry. So it's the perfect place for blood-sucking vampires to begin their invasion ...Only eleven-year-old Claire Whimsy and her friend, Jason Turner, know what's going on - because their families are the first to come under the Blodvats' evil spell. Though outwardly charming, Bruno and Hildegard Blodvat have arrived in town with some very bizarre paraphernalia in the back of their hearse-like Mercedes. From the moment of their arrival, strange things begin happening in Chumley. And soon spread right across the country...