Book 22

Anne Perry, maestra de la novela de intriga histórica ambientada en la era victoriana, nos transporta nuevamente a orillas del Támesis en su nueva y vibrante novela de William Monk.

Cuando el comandante Monk de la Policía del Támesis es convocado para investigar la aparición de un hombre ahogado en el río, que resulta ser un prisionero fugitivo, tiene que vérselas nuevamente con el oficial de aduanas McNab, que alberga un amargo rencor contra Monk y que siempre intenta perjudicarlo.

Tras la fuga de un segundo prisionero y a medida que las trampas de McNab se vuelven más terroríficas, Monk se verá forzado a recurrir a la ayuda de su mujer, Hester, y de su amigo el abogado Oliver Rathbone. Juntos, tratarán de desentrañar el misterio que rodea a las muertes en el Támesis y a la rivalidad enfermiza de McNab


Master of mystery and historical intrigue Anne Perry once again transports readers to the banks of the Thames in Victorian London for her thrilling new William Monk novel. In Revenge in a Cold River, Monk faces his darkest hour ever as he spars with a quarry hell-bent on vengeance.

When Commander Monk of the Thames River Police is called to investigate the drowning of an escaped prisoner, he’s forced to contend with customs officer McNab, who clearly bears a bitter grudge against him. But the reason is a mystery in itself. Monk’s memory loss—a secret he guards closely—leaves him vulnerable to repercussions from his missing past, especially his exploits overseas in the tumultuous Gold Rush days of San Francisco. And now McNab, as icy and unfathomable as the steel-gray Thames itself, appears intent on using whatever damning facts he can find to his advantage to ruin Monk’s future as an officer of the law.

As Monk explores the possibility of a conspiracy, McNab’s game of cat and mouse escalates, with veiled threats and cryptic insinuations. Snared in an unforeseen trap, a desperate Monk must turn to his wife, Hester, and friend and attorney Oliver Rathbone for help, as his life literally hangs in the balance.

With razor-edged suspense and shocking twists and turns, Revenge in a Cold River is Anne Perry at her most intense—and most satisfying.

Una embarcación de recreo explota en medio del Támesis, en lo que resulta ser una venganza por un acto de agresión por parte de soldados británicos durante la construcción del Canal de Suez. El detective Monk es apartado del caso, que pasa a manos de la policía de Londres. Cuando ésta comete un error tras otro el caso vuelve a Monk, pero entonces la investigación ha tomado un rumbo difícil de corregir.


As commander of the River Police, Monk should handle the case, but the investigation is turned over to the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. An Egyptian man is swiftly caught, tried, and sentenced to die. But almost as quickly, Monk presents evidence that Habib Beshara, though a nasty piece of work, was elsewhere at the time of the blast.