Bullets: { Approved and certified from Microsoft { Prepares you to pass Exams 70-067 and 70-068 { Offers practice questions in the book and at the E-zone site that will test your knowledge and help you become comfortable with the actual exam { Covers all comprehensive exam objectives in concise format { Makes it easy to access and retain the information you need to pass the exam COPY: Practice for the NT Server and NT Enterprise MCSE exams with Teach Yourself Windows NT Server4: MCSE Exam Preparation Guide. This Microsoft-approved, comprehensive training guide features test questions, tables, figures, and review sections to completely prepare you for Exams 70-067 and 70-068. Avoid enrolling in a class and save yourself thousands of dollars. Teach Yourself Windows NT Server 4: MCSE Exam Preparation Guide thoroughly trains you better for less. Visit the E-zone to have your additional review questions answered by mentors within 24 hours. Teach Yourself Windows NT Server 4: MCSE Exam Preparation Guide is sure to help you pass your exams.Written for Microsoft exams 70-67 and 70-68.Written by a Microsoft Certified Trainer.Includes Internet Resource sections for the readers to obtain the most up-to-date information about a particular subject.