Book 3

African Dragon

by David M Salkin

Published 25 July 2017
With the clock ticking, The Team is forced to take on an army that outnumbers them a thousand to one.

To gain access to the vast mineral wealth of the DemocraticRepublic of Congo, China sends in disguised military advisors whowill lead the “People’s Army of Congo” against the seatedgovernment.  The US won’t sit back and allow China to overthrow apro-western democracy, but also doesn’t want to open hostilities against China. There’s only one way to prevent another African war—send in The Team.

Chinese military advisors have helped build the PAC Army into asizeable fighting force capable of taking down the government inKinshasa.  The Chinese are also operating a mine, illegally searching for uranium and plutonium—their real reason for being inthe DRC.  With the clock ticking, the The Team is forced to take onan army that outnumbers them a thousand to one.  To some folks, itmight sound like a suicide mission. To these warriors, it’s justanother day at the office.

Book 4

Shadow of Death

by David M Salkin

Published 25 July 2017
CIA agent Apo Yessayan and The Team take on an unholy alliance between Mexican drug cartels and ISIS.

When deep cover CIA agent Apo Yessayan hears Spanish being spoken in northern Syria, he knows something evil is afoot.  A new unholy alliance, between ISIS and a powerful Mexican drug cartel will bring grave danger to the porous American border.  Apo and The Team are called in for a covert special operation in Mexico against the cartels.

As Apo works his way into the underworld of the Mexican drug cartels for a face to face meeting with El Gato, The Team is inserted by submarine to assault El Gato’s estate-fortress. Although the United States and Mexico have planned the capture of El Gato together, not everyone has the same agenda—and knowing who to trust means the difference between life and death.

Book 5

Dangerous Ground

by David M Salkin

Published 25 July 2017
Finding a missing nuke in three and half million square miles of the dangerous South China Sea is a job that’s too big for anyone else—except The Team.

The South China Sea is a dangerous place. China, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei are all building artificial islands in an attempt to claim territorial waters. When the United States discovers that a long missing twenty-megaton nuclear bomb—a “Broken Arrow”—sits at six hundred feet, right next to the construction of a new island, The Team is dispatched to recover it. With Chinese fighter jets buzzing US Navy ships, ISIS fighters in Brunei preparing for an attack on Singapore, and two reporters from New Zealand begging for rescue from ISIS pursuers, it’s a mission that will test The Team.

Posing as Canadian oilmen working on an offshore oil platform, The Team is tasked with recovering two nuclear weapons lost almost thirty years ago when a US bomber went down. The problem? Not only is Brunei building an artificial island right next to the wreck-site, they’re also harboring an ISIS training facility.

Espionage, black ops, and politics blend for a volatile read in David Salkin’s newest Team thriller!