v. 4

A Shop of One's Own

by Annika Rabo

Published 23 September 2005
Groundbreaking new research on an important social group within the Middle East Based upon extensive field research Fascinating insight into one of the most dynamic regions of the Middle East Traders, bazaaris and shop-keepers constitute a very important social and economic category in the Middle East. Yet, despite their significance there have been very few empirical studies on contemporary market people in the region. A Shop of One's Own marks an important step forward in filling this gap by exploring a key merchant sector in Syria. The book is based upon extensive fieldwork carried out by Annika Rabo amongst the traders of Aleppo and sheds new light on how this politically sensitive social group views itself and others in the prevalent atmosphere of economic liberalisation and political reform following the death of Syrian President Hafez al-Asad.