"Under Milk Wood"

by David Orme

Published 1 May 1987

"Romeo and Juliet"

by David Orme

Published 1 March 1989
This is a series of assignment booklets on established plays recommended by the range of GCSE examining boards. Standing independently of the text to which it relates, each booklet explores a well-known play through an informal but developing pattern of plot, character, theme, language and theatre. This book aims to offer an accessible introduction to the study of this text and use is made of comparison material from 20th century writing and story-telling. The activities include discussion, written work, role play and aspects of staging and publicizing and are suitable for a wide range of abilities. Students are encouraged to investigate the action and themes of this play through the activities, which aim to illuminate both the story and the playwright's use of language. The text is illustrated with photographs of a film version of the play.