"The Biases of Management" offers systematic analysis of management bias, an area seldom explored. Barbara Wake Carroll identifies two main types of deeply-entrenched management bias. The first can stem from the shared background and experience of management within an organization, and the second from a shared national culture. Both types can lead organizations down a "suicidal" path and have important implications for business conducted on both a domestic and international level. A detailed study of the problems of 34 North American organizations illustrates the role of bias as a source of systematic error in organizations. Data from a wider study of 100 organizations in the public and private sectors shows that 85 per cent of the firms that were successful shared a particular type of management configuration. The final section of the book critically explores this successful management type. International in scope and highly relevant to the central issues of the 1990s, discussion focuses on periods of rapid economic growth and decline since the early 1980s. This volume will be of special interest to students of management and organizational theory.