Alien Harvest

by Melanie Joyce

Published 1 September 2013
Earth, 5014. Neshla joins her friend Galen and his father on a Specialist Food Unit Mission to harvest food from Vetron 5. As ever, there is a risk of possible alien life forms, but the trip goes smoothly. Until Galen finds a blue flowers and secretly brings it on board the ship! The plant grows and grows in size and appetite, until the crew discover it has a taste for human flesh…

These hi-lo books include features such as vocabulary page, comprehension questions, simple sentences and line breaks. With illustrations and topics to cater to a wide range of interests such as pirates, werewolves, ghosts and an intergalactic hamster, these sets provide much needed encouragement for struggling and reluctant readers alike.

This hi-lo series for struggling and reluctant readers has been written for children aged between 10 and 14 years, whose current reading age is between 7 and 8 years. These age-appropriate short reads have 32 pages and are written by brilliant authors writing stories with relatable characters. They incorporate a large font size and text separated into bite-sized chunks, along with carefully considered letter and paragraph spacing that can reduce visual stress. The series has plenty of practice at one level, allowing consolidation of learning before moving on to more challenging reads. The vocabulary list of tricky words can aid comprehension before reading the book.