Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability
2 total works
Sequential Analysis
by Alexander Tartakovsky, Igor Nikiforov, and Michele Basseville
Published 1 January 2014
Sequential Analysis: Hypothesis Testing and Changepoint Detection systematically develops the theory of sequential hypothesis testing and quickest changepoint detection. It also describes important applications in which theoretical results can be used efficiently. The book reviews recent accomplishments in hypothesis testing and changepoint detecti
Sequential Change Detection and Hypothesis Testing
by Alexander Tartakovsky
Published 2 December 2019
Statistical methods for sequential hypothesis testing and changepoint detection have applications across many fields, including quality control, biomedical engineering, communication networks, econometrics, image processing, security, etc. This book presents an overview of methodology in these related areas, providing a synthesis of research from the last few decades. The methods are illustrated through real data examples, and software is referenced where possible. The emphasis is on providing all the theoretical details in a unified framework, with pointers to new research directions.