Violence in the Media

by Nancy Signorielli

Published 25 March 2005

From the popular video game Mortal Kombat to reality TV, this book offers a candid compilation of the history, problems, impacts, and solutions relating to media violence.

Violence in the Media: A Reference Handbook documents the issues, impact, controversies, and consequences of one of the most insidious phenomena facing American society. With 99 percent of American homes having TV sets, the book's main focus is on television violence and in particular its effects on children, who spend an average of 28 hours a week watching television.

A historical synopsis, covering early concerns that continue to be hotly debated, describes congressional hearings and their outcomes. Brief biographies present perspectives on key players like theoretician Albert Bandura, communication scholar George Gerbner, and Representative Edward Marke (D-MA). A discussion of the evidence both supporting and condemning media violence includes its use by perpetrators in the Columbine High School shootings and recent sniper attacks.

  • A chronology dating back to the Payne Fund Studies, published in the 1930s, outlines congressional hearings and other pertinent events
  • Provides information about relevant organizations and websites that can be used by parents for more detailed information about television violence and how to deal with it in the home