Green World (Steck Vaughn)
6 total works
Part of a series which looks at the world of plant-life, a subject of increasing importance today as exploitation of the world's resources threatens to upset the delicate balance that sustains life for plants, animals and people, this book looks at fir trees. The series presents a balanced, up-to-date approach to the diversity of plant-life, the basic life-cycles and adaptations to the environment, and the effects plants have on our lives. Each book details specific plant groups such as ferns or conifers, tropical hardwoods or cacti - their habitat, geographical locations and place in the plant kingdom; basic botanical information such as photosynthesis, symbiosis, pollination, seed dispersal; plants within environments and ecological considerations - such as: acid rain, the greenhouse effect, the ever-increasing deserts, cash crops, endangered species.
Part of a series which looks at the world of plant-life, a subject of increasing importance today as exploitation of the world's resources threatens to upset the delicate balance that sustains life for plants, animals and people, this book looks at grasses and grains. The series presents a balanced, up-to-date approach to the diversity of plant-life, the basic life-cycles and adaptations to the environment, and the effects plants have on our lives. Each book details specific plant groups such as ferns or conifers, tropical hardwoods or cacti - their habitat, geographical locations and place in the plant kingdom; basic botanical information such as photosynthesis, symbiosis, pollination, seed dispersal; plants within environments and ecological considerations - such as: acid rain, the greenhouse effect, the ever-increasing deserts, cash crops, endangered species.
Describes different types of forests throughout the world and the threats to their survival. Also discusses the importance of trees in producing oxygen and the many products that we get from trees.
Focuses on varieties and life cycles of mosses and liverworts in different climates and habitats.
Examines the characteristics, life cycle, and natural environment of various types of ferns and discusses their uses as natural medicines and food.
Discusses different types of algae and the uses of algae as a food crop and energy source.