Seasonal Food

by Susannah Blake

Published 1 January 1999
The real heart of any recipe is the ingredients so it makes sense to get the very best. Freshly picked asparagus bought from a farm shop just a few hours after it's been harvested tastes a hundred times better than the perfectly trimmed, uniform vacuum-packed specimens that arrive in the dead of winter, flown halfway across the world. And it's not just taste - there's also the environmental impact of eating food that's been transported thousands of miles before it reaches your plate. This book is the invaluable handbook to making the most of fresh produce by eating in season. Divided into four seasonal sections, each chapter picks out the heroes of that season and provides a wonderful insight into them. From the textures, aromas and tastes, to the appearance and history of the ingredient, and from what to look for when buying and how to store the ingredient to how to prepare and cook it, this is the one-stop seasonal bible. More than 200 fabulous recipes show you how to make the most of the available produce of every season.
From the simplest rocket pesto to more complex dishes combining different ingredients of the season - such as venison with celeriac rosti, spring leaf salad with chargrilled asparagus and spring onions, or cranberry and apple tart tatin - this is a must-have book for everyone who loves food.