Book 95

The second volume of The Excavations in the Plain of Antioch describes a series of excavations in the Syro-Palestinian region. The three sites included in the report are Catal Hueyuek, Tell al-Judaidah and Tell Tayinat, all situated in the central part of the Amuq valley around the city of Rihaniyyah.

Book 97

A report on the excavation during the 1950s of an Early Dynastic Temple discovered in the northwestern part of the Religious Quarter of Nippur. The volume includes reports on the structural remains, the burials and the finds, such as pottery, tablets, seals, ornaments and figurines.

Book 99

This volume publishes all of the cuneiform tablets excavated at Tell Abu Salabikh in 1963 and 1965 with the exception of a very few fragments considered illegible. All other tablets are represented by a copy, by a photograph, or by both. Except for the copies of especially fragile tablets made in the field, preliminary copies were prepared from casts and photographs. Subsequently they were checked against the original tablets in the Iraq Museum.