The two main aims of this book are, firstly, to provide a compact set of multiple choice items which teachers might use to assess their pupils' progress, and secondly, to provide pupils with practice in answering test papers for GCSE. Each paper is designed to cover a wide range of topics covering the core content of all GCSE Science syllabuses and to be answered in 45 minutes. A table is provided at the end of the book, to enable the teacher to use the book as a resource of multiple choice items for general classwork and the testing of pupil's understanding of particular areas of the syllabus throughout the two years of the GCSE course. The table shows the location of all questions from a given syllabus area. The syllabus has been divided into seven areas: building blocks, change, interactions, energy, movement, and health. It is recommended that photcopies of the blank answer grid are made to be used with these test papers. Use soft lead pencil when marking the answer grid. In this book all of the papers contain 40 questions with answers A-D only. The reader should check their own Board's requirements for the number of questions and whether or not the letters A-E are used.
Note also that some Boards require the candidates to write the answer letter in a box at the end of each question. S1 units are used throughout except in those cases where sub-multiples such as mm, cm, g or oc prove more sensible for calculations. The solidus notation has been used as required by the GCSE Boards.