Book 1


by Harvey Black

Published 23 March 2016
What does the president of the Russian Federation want? A Eurasian Union incorporating the former Soviet republics - a new USSR, with President Putinov at its helm. What does he fear? Russia's satellite states uniting against him and allying themselves to western Europe and NATO. What should he do about it? Of this he is certain. He initiates a new form of hybrid warfare, using deception, double-dealing and treachery. His first victim? Ukraine. Harvey Black leads the reader through a continent on the brink of war in the first book of his new Cold War - Redux series. Based on the real events of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, 'Duplicity' sees the birth of a campaign to return Russia to its former glory by a president who is willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants, no matter the cost...

Book 2


by Harvey Black

Published 14 April 2017
The president of the Russian Federation gives his military the go-ahead. Spetsnaz Special Forces, GRU sleepers, mercenaries and other Russian forces are released to back the pro-Russian separatists in their push west. Some NATO countries rise up and support their Ukrainian allies in their hour of need, whereas others dither, scared to square up to a superpower. But what is the Russian president really up to? Duplicity was successful. Will his deception be equally so? Return to Harvey Black's chilling Cold War - Redux series, based on the real events of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, in this action-packed sequel to 'Duplicity'. Can anything be done to stop President Putinov bringing the world to the brink of destruction?