Book 100

Regency Quartet

by Janet Grace

Published 10 April 1992
Frozen Hearts by Grace; A Singular Elopement by Lowther; Pride House by Moore; The Eccentric Miss Delaney by Mallin

Four Women, Four Dreams, Four Loves

Harriet Ogbrook wanted position, and her launch into Society brought her a fateful introduction to an earl.

Lucinda Winterton wanted the one thing her life had been lacking- someone to love her, and she never gave up hope that one day love would come her way.

Elfreda Pride had a loving family but dreamed of bringing her deceased father's dream to fruition. If only she had the money to do so......

Athena Delaney hoped for stability, having known both the dizzying heights of extravagant wealth and the depths of grinding poverty. Yet it was her fate to be charmed by a man who was everything she wanted to escape.