Information communication technology (ICT) presents a range of new opportunities for adults with Down syndrome to gain access to tools for learning, communication, and personal development. ICT can be used in many different ways; for example, to send and receive e-mails, take digital photos, and participate in a range of interesting leisure activities or education programmes. Attention in this book is given to the context of the life of adults with Down syndrome, and how ICT can be used to improve their quality of life. A more general introduction to information technology, accessibility issues and instruction can be found in "Assisting Individuals with Down syndrome to Access Information Technology - An Overview" (Buckley, 2000). Likewise, Black and Wood provide practical advice on utilising information communication technology to assist the education of individuals with Down syndrome. Building on these previous publications, the present book describes the role of ICT in adult development generally and explains the various ways in which ICT can be applied to support learning across the adult life span.
Actual examples are included to illustrate how adults with Down syndrome are using specific kinds of hardware and software to extend their communication, learning, and personal interests.