In the mid-1970s Sunny Lewin is back, star of her personal show, facing the prospect of Middle School, and dealing with the problems of her somewhat dysfunctional family -- in particular her older brother, Dale, who has been sent off to a military academy because of his delinquent behavior.
Too cool for school ... or the least groovy girl in the grade? Sunny's just made it to middle school ... and it's making her life very confusing. All her best friend Deb wants to talk about is fashion, boys, makeup, boys and being cool. Sunny's not against any...Read more
Too cool for school ... or the least groovy girl in the grade? Sunny's just made it to middle school ... and it's making her life very confusing. All her best friend Deb wants to talk about is fashion, boys, makeup, boys and being cool. Sunny's not against any of these things, but she also doesn't understand why suddenly everything revolves around them. She's much more comfortable when she's in her basement, playing Dungeons and Dragons with a bunch of new friends. Because when you're swordfighting and spider-slaying, it's hard to worry about whether you look cool or not. Especially when it's your turn to roll the 20-sided die. Trying hard to be cool can make you feel really uncool ... and it's much more fun to just have fun. Sunny's going to find her groove and her own kind of groovy, with plenty of laughs along the way.