Book 1

Twilight, Vol. 1

by Lewis Trondheim

Published 1 April 2006

Dungeon: Zenith Vol. 4

by Lewis Trondheim and Joann Sfar

Published 13 January 2021
In the first chapter: to reclaim the Dungeon that fell to the scheming William Delacour, the plan is simple: Marvin, Isis and Herbert must find some magic fugus purit and use it to dislodge the current occupants of the fortress. But is this really the Guardian's plan? Our heroes...Read more

In the sprawling world of Dungeon, the Early Years subseries relates the origins of it. In this first story, you will see the Keeper barely an adult leaving his family to go find fortune in a time of chaos and darkness... Fun, adventure, suspense and... wry satire. In the...Read more

Dungeon: Zenith Vols. 1-2

by Joann Sfar and Lewis Trondheim

Published 11 November 2021
This series, a best-seller in many countries, starts with the apogee of Dungeon, a mighty castle filled with monsters, trolls and goblins kept by a wily bird, the Dungeon Keeper, and the object of desire of many an uncouth and disgusting form of life (and afterlife) and Herbert the...Read more

Welcome to the third facet of the Dungeon world, its dark downfall. Marvin, now old and blind, sensing his end, goes on a long trek to the legendary cemetery of dragons. And then, saved at the last minute from certain death in a duel by his young warrior admirer...Read more

The legend of the founding of Dungeon continues with two all-new chapters! Old Arakou, Hyacinthe's father, feels rusty and mopes at the idea of dying in his bed. He never ceases to remember the old heroic days and his pals he wants to connect back with. So, he mounts...Read more

Dungeon: Zenith Vol. 5

by Lewis Trondheim and Joann Sfar

Published 23 November 2023
The valiant duck Herbert and Isis, his beautiful and belligerent Kochaque companion’ s son is born. As much as the young parents are delighted with this new arrival, tensions are not long in rising. Isis wants to submit her baby to the traditional Kochaque rite of passage. Herbert, judging...Read more