Book 2

Excel Vba Financial

by William Smith

Published 10 November 2012
This book investigates common excel formulas as well as macros used within the finance accounting sector. The excel VBA financial functions include Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Future Value (FV), Net Present Value (NPV), Double Declining Balance (DDB) and other VBA formulas. There are 13 different excel VBA financial functions looked at in this book. Images and step by step guidelines are used throughout this book. The book also touches on VBA formula arrays. Standard Copyright (c), by William Smith MSc 2014-12-28.

Book 4

This book is about Excel 2013 Visual Basic for Applications String Functions. The codes are useful for assignments, practice and in the work place. You will need a basic understanding of editing VBA code to find this book helpful. I'm a qualified and experienced excel expert. Standard copyright (c), by William Smith MSc, 2015-01-16.

Book 9

Excel VBA Conversion Formulas

by William Smith

Published 28 November 2017