Leviticus and Numbers

by Mike Butterworth

Published 22 August 2003
The books of Leviticus and Numbers take us to the edge of the promised land and prepare us for the next stage in the fulfilment of God's promises to Abraham. While both books show God as all-powerful redeemer, the theme of holiness is particularly emphasized in Leviticus - because God is holy, his people must be holy and must approach him on his terms. Numbers continues this theme but focuses on God's long-suffering nature and the fulfilment of the promise of land. While these two books can look forbidding to the first-time reader, with their details about sacrificial rituals, purity laws and territorial divisions, they contain vital background for understanding the New Testament. Understanding their message helps us to grasp more fully the significance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who 'died according to the Scriptures' (1 Corinthians 15:3), and also challenges us with crucial questions about the nature of God.