Research completed during this project can be applied to similar environments where excessive pumping, limited recharge, and water quality problems have affected the aquifer system. There are many potential benefits from this research:1. The exploratory drilling, sampling, and monitoring programs provide examples of methods useful in characterizing the unsaturated zone as part of a recharge feasibility assessment2. Measurement and sampling of water in discrete vertical intervals can be applied to similar projects to define the progression of a recharge wetting front3. This project advances the understanding of geochemical changes to surface-recharged water in arid environmentsResearch Partners: El Paso Water Utilities and U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, El Paso Field DivisionOriginally published by AwwaRF for its subscribers in 2003 This publication can be purchased and downloaded via Pay Per View on Water Intelligence Online - click on the Pay Per View icon below