The Power of Purpose

by Richard J Leider

Published 1 September 1997
Your reason for getting up in the morning. Every one of us needs a reason to get up in the morning. This book is about that reason. Its purpose is to help you discover the purpose for your life. Each life has a natural reason for being. Purpose is the reason a person was born. From birth to death, each of us is on a quest to discover that reason. Many never do. Yet, our world is incomplete until each one of us discovers our purpose. Purpose is that deepest dimension within us-our central core or essence-where we have a profound sense of who we are, where we came from, and where we're going. Purpose is the quality we choose to shape our lives around. Purpose is a source of energy and direction. Richard J. Leider is a founding partner of The Inventure Group, a coaching and consulting firm in Minneapolis, Minnesota devoted to bringing out the natural potential in people. He is a nationally known writer, speaker, and career coach, and a pioneer in the field of Life/Work Planning. A National Certified Career Coach, he has been helping people to hear and heed their callings for more than 30 years.
Author and co-author of five previous books, including the best-sellers Repacking Your Bags and The Power of Purpose, he is also an online columnist for Fast Company.

Repacking Your Bags

by Richard J Leider and David A. Shapiro

Published 12 December 1994
Repacking is for businesspeople, professionals, homemakers, students, and retirees - in short, everyone who needs to prepare for and embrace a transition to the next phase of their lives. For those of you facing retirement - no doubt a very different sort of retirement than previous generations faced - Repacking may have special appeal. Similarly, for those of you just starting out in your careers, Repacking can offer guidance and direction you may find particularly useful. Finally, if you're someone who has recently experienced (or is about to experience) a major transition in your work life - a termination, a reassignment, a major promotion - then Repacking can act as a compass as you get your bearings for the journey ahead. Look around. Most of your contemporaries are no longer consumed with consumption. Hardly anyone still believes that the "most toys" wins. Accumulation is no longer the name of the game - your friends and colleagues are now asking "What really matters?" "How much is enough?" and "What is the good life and how can I live it?" Repacking Your Bags offers a new life/work model, a fresh way of thinking about what matters most in your life and how to attain it.
Richard J. Leider is a founding partner of The Inventure Group, a coaching and consulting firm in Minneapolis, Minnesota devoted to bringing out the natural potential in people. He is a nationally known writer, speaker, and career coach, and a pioneer in the field of Life/Work Planning. A National Certified Career Coach, he has been helping people to hear and heed their callings for more than 30 years. Author and co-author of five previous books, including the best-sellers Repacking Your Bags and The Power of Purpose, he is also an online columnist for Fast Company. David A. Shapiro is a writer, philosopher, and educator whose work explores questions in ethics and meaning in life. He is the Education Director of the Northwest Center for Philosophy for Children, a non-profit organization that brings philosophy into the lives of young people in schools and community groups through literature, philosophical works, and classroom activities. David is the co-author of Repacking Your Bags and the author of Choosing the Right Thing to Do,a practical guide for helping people make educated decisions about matters of ethical import in all aspects of their lives.