Shire album
1 primary work
Book 436
On tap and taken for granted but essential to our way of life and to life itself, Britain's water supply today is constant and sace. But how does it arrive at our homes, where does it come from, how does it get from there to our taps, and how is it cleaned to a potable standard? This book answers these questions. It explains how the expansion of towns and cities from Jacobean times necessitated the brining of water long distances to ensure a supply of pure and unpolluted water and it describes the massive engineering schemes that were required to ahieve this, culminating in the construction of large dams and reservoirs that flooded valleys and submerged villages. This book also includes a lit of places to visit throughout the United Kingdom where water supply and its history can be better understood. These include pumping stations with historical machinery, as well as museums with exhibitions that deal with water supply. There is a list of reservoirs that the public can visit.