The Big Bottom Hunt

by Lari Don

Published 22 April 2010
Sandy and Ella are out playing on the beach one day when they spot something sparkling by the jaggy rocks. They run over to see what it is, and find a telescope that someone has left behind. But how will they find the owner?
Then they see a funny shape in the sand -- and realise it's a bottom print! They run back home for their art kit and trace the print. Then the big bottom hunt begins, as they ask each villager in turn, 'Is this your bottom?'
A delightful and very funny story from Edinburgh writer and storyteller Lari Don, illustrated with great charm by up-and-coming illustrator Gabby Grant.

The Magic Word

by Lari Don

Published 19 September 2013

Catriona must write her name on all her thank you notes before she's allowed to play with her birthday presents. It's going to take forever! Unless...

She puts her coloured pencils and a sprinkling of magical ingredients into a big pot. Then she says the magic word. But the pencils start writing on walls, scribbling on the table, and doodling on the fridge! Can Catriona stop the magical mayhem?

This is a hilarious new picture book from Lari Don, author of The Big Bottom Hunt and Orange Juice Peas!, vibrantly illustrated by Claire Keay, about the consequences of taking shortcuts, and the power of the magic word.

How to Make a Heron Happy

by Lari Don

Published 7 April 2011

Hamish is worried about the heron in the park. It always looks sad and grumpy, with its hunched-up shoulders and long frowning eyebrows. So Hamish decides to cheer it up: first he brings bread crusts and biscuit crumbs to the park. But the heron still looks grumpy. Next he brings his family to tidy up the heron's polluted pond. But the heron still looks grumpy.

Then he brings his class to plant flowers around the pond. But the heron still looks grumpy. Finally he brings everyone he knows to have a party for the heron. But the heron still looks grumpy. Hamish looks at the heron and wonders: maybe the heron isn't unhappy after all?

Each page of this delightful story from popular children's author and storyteller, Lari Don, is brought to life with vibrant illustrations. Colour and activity build up as the book progresses and the drab inner-city park is brought to life.

Orange Juice Peas

by Lari Don

Published 26 April 2012

Jessie is learning to be polite. When she says 'thank you' it sounds a bit like 'DA HOO'. When she says 'please' it sounds exactly like 'PEAS'.

One tea-time, Jessie and her older brother Ben are left with a new babysitter. When asked what she'd like to drink, Jessie replies, 'Orange juice peas', and that's exactly what she gets! Followed by 'milk peas', 'water peas', and on it goes. Each time, Jessie fishes the peas out of her drink and cheeky Ben giggles, as the pile of peas on the table grows bigger and bigger...

This is a hilarious story for young children, with a great sense of repetition. Lizzie Well's bright, expressive illustrations perfectly capture the humour and Jessie's increasing frustration at being misunderstood.