Chicken Nuggets

by David Squire

Published 6 September 2012

Few farmyard and back-garden animals display such appealing and amusing characteristics as chickens. Some continually scratch the ground in search of insects, many just bustle and hustle, while others reveal self-importance through a measured walk. They would have been outstanding vaudeville acts, but their egg-laying and meat-producing abilities have been hijacked by Man to produce food for millions of people throughout the world each day. Decorated throughout with historical woodcuts and engravings, and packed with intriguing facts and folklore, this book is not only a charming gift but is also a useful practical guide.

Miscellany for Garden-Lovers

by David Squire

Published 1 January 2014

Gardening is an age-old craft, steeped in mystique and peppered with handed-down wisdom, often derived from 'sons of the soil' who grew larger cabbages than their neighbours.

This fact-drenched and beautifully illustrated insight into gardening history with enthral you with its diversity - from digging soil and keeping bees to early plant hunters and weather rhymes.

A perfect gift for gardening enthusiasts!

The Bee-Kind Garden

by David Squire

Published 1 January 2011

Bees are vital for the future of the planet, for without their dedicated pollinating skills many crops would eventually fail. This delightfully illustrated book is a homage to bees, revealing many facets of their lives, including homes, flight patterns and defence. It also describes how to attract bees to your garden and, essentially, the art of talking to them!

The lives of bees are interwoven with our own, but how much do you know about them?

  • Which scents do bees prefer?
  • How do bees transport pollen?
  • How far can bees fly?
  • Do specific colours attract bees?
  • Do bees prefer native flowers?

Then there is honey - a near-miraculous elixir that in earlier generations was an integral part of life as a sweetener and food preserver. It can be fermented with water and yeast to create mead, a drink that has been enjoyed for thousands of years.

This book is dedicated to bees and to ensuring that they continue to live in harmony with humans in bee-friendly gardens.

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