Book 1

Under the rigid guidance of the Conclave; an order of holy men seeking to bring back the glory of the time of the gods, the Order of the Inquisition and their Prekhauten Guard divisions the seven hundred known worlds carve out a new empire with the compassion and wisdom the gods once offered. But a terrible secret, known only to the most powerful, threatens to undo three millennia of progress. The gods are not dead at all. They merely sleep. And they are being hunted.

Senior Inquisitor Tolde Breed is sent to the planet Crimeat to investigate the escape of one of the most deadly beings in the universe. Amongeratix, one of the three sons of the god-king is loose once again, the fabled Three. Tolde arrives on a world where heresy breeds insurrection and war is only a matter of time. Tolde is aided by Sister Abigail of the Order of Blood Witches in his quest to find Amongeratix and return him to Conclave custody before he can begin his reign of terror.

Book 2

The Three have returned to the universe causing great carnage as their eternal battle for the soul of the universe continues. Tolde Breed is summoned with an important task. Hunt down and kill the heretic Inquisitor, Ursal Prowl. The quest will take him to the hulking space station of Hawker's Gate where destiny awaits. There Tolde will witness the opening salvos of a conflict greater than any in human history.

Elisa and Mollock Bolle were saved by the Bloody Man and given the task of finding the Paradise Tear only to seemingly be forgotten on the desert world of An'kuruku. Elisa loses her way, only to find courage and strength once again as the fates bring her closer to the edge of her quest. 

Deep in the deserts a storm brews. The whirlwind has come to An'kuruku under the guise of false freedom. Mollock is taken in and transformed into the voice for change, rebellion, and liberation from the Conclave. People flock to his call, all eager to listen to the madman on the rocks preach.

Book 3

The war for the soul of the universe continues to widen. Armies of former allies do battle on a hundred worlds in the wake of the assassination of the Cardinal Seniorus. With immeasurable power now within his grasp, the Inquisitor General sends his armies forth to consolidate control of the seven hundred worlds. Yet even his careful planning isn't enough to contend with the rise of the cult of the death god. Cultists sweep through cities in their anticipation of Rengu's return.

Awake once again, the Three begin to collect heroes and villains to their causes. The final battle is coming. A battle that will leave the universe permanently scarred.

On the library world of Wexanos, Tannus must deal with a two-fold threat. Human enemies have found the key to either awaken or kill those of his kind he painstakingly put into hiding millennia ago. He sends a team of loyal Prekhauten Guards to Kharsis to retrieve the key and end the threat of rogue Inquisitor Ursal Prowl while at the same time dispatches Matthias and Inquisitor Luma Kai to An'kuruku in the hopes of finding Paradise Tear.

It is a desperate gambit intended on preventing the spread of war but one they must make. The one man capable of stopping the war, Tolde Breed, is lying on his deathbed, helpless to do anything.

Book 4

The planet Rastarok has been forgotten by the universe for millennia, hidden by the powers that be for good reason. Deep in the heart of the world lies the strength for Amongeratix to take control of the seven hundred worlds and finish his long war with his brothers.

Alone and missing his memory, the Penitent Man must come to terms with who he is and what he means to a universe gripped by civil war. It is a path he is loath to travel, for to discover his past is to accept the future.

Under the direction of the Blood Witches, a motley assortment of criminals and warriors gathers to prevent Amongeratix from gaining control of this power. It is a mission doomed to fail unless they can set aside their differences and keep from killing each other along the way.

The pieces are in play. Heroes and villains battle across the stars in a war no one understands, and all know must be won. Through Darkness Besieged is the latest installment of the Forgotten Gods Tales.

Book 5