Decision Making

by Prof. Richard A. Chapman

Published February 1969

Originally published in 1968, Richard Chapman's pioneering work illuminates the process of decision making by analysis of a particular example: the decision to raise the Bank Rate in September, 1957. The legal responsibility for a decision may be easy to pinpoint; in this case the Court of Directors of the Bank of England bear this but six weeks of negotiation separate their formal statement from the Chancellor of the Exchequer's advice to the Treasury to consider effecting 'a measure of deflation in the economy'. These six weeks of consultation between the Bank and the Treasury proceeding in 'the pattern of a formal dance' are analysed and a necessary by-product of this case-study is a closer understanding of how the Treasury and the Bank of England work together. These details are derived mainly from the evidence, and deductions from it, presented to the Bank Rate Tribunal and the Radcliffe Committee on the Working of the Monetary System.

Professor Chapman gives his particular findings about decision making a wider application still by forming reasoned hypotheses and informed generalisations about public administration in Britain.

First published in 1988, this book is about the application of moral standards in the course of official work in the British civil service. It approaches the subject by examining the career of Sir Edward Bridges, Head of the Civil Service from 1945 to 1956. The book raises questions, of major importance at the present time, about methods of work and the standards expected of civil servants.

First published in 1984, this book examines the style of leadership amongst senior civil servants and its impact on administrative reform by investigating the work of Sir Percival Waterfield who was First Civil Service Commissioner from 1939 to 1951. He was responsible for setting up the Civil Service Selection Board which was the key institution in the pioneering new approach to personnel selection initiated in Britain after the Second World War. It has been regarded as the model for personnel recruitment in other contexts and for civil service recruitment in other countries.

The book raises fundamental questions about the criteria for recruitment and promotion of leading officials in British central government and offers a rare glimpse of the day to day work of top civil servants and the administrative culture in which they operate.