Romantic Scotland

by Charles MacLean

Published 30 March 1998
Two hundred and fifty years ago, Scotland meant only the lowlands; the mountains of the north were regarded as a separate country, where any traveller was well advised to make a will before venturing. It was Sir Walter Scott s genial achievement to promote a unified Scotland in unfading images of heroism and romance, rewriting her history not as the grim blood-stained business it was but as a colourful dramatic pageant. This romantic view was taken to its limits by Victoria and Albert, whose passion for the Highlands endorsed the nineteenth-century vogue for all things Scottish - a fashion that continues to lure millions every year in search of enchantment north of the border. With scenic photographs and a lively commentary Romantic Scotland captures Scotland's universal appeal, amply demonstrating why this small country has earned a special place in the affections of millions worldwide.