Flying Insects

by Matt Turner

Published 4 April 2017
Flying Insects...this book includes winged insects that are especially big or beautiful or fast and or skilful, or dangerous plus a few more that show that simply show their amazing diversity. Here we look at the familiar fat and furry bumble bee and the not so familiar robber fly and amongst others the mosquito, this flimsy fly parasite is one of the world s deadliest animals. Record Breaking Bugs...We may think humans rule the planet, but actually insects outnumber us and at a rough guess there are ten quintillion insects alive at any one time! This series looks at some of the most amazing adaptations of modern insects: their beauty, camouflage, engineering skills, senses, weapons, defences and sneaky survival tricks, plus some of the ways both welcome and otherwise they affect humanity

Amazing Insects

by Matt Turner

Published 4 April 2017
Amazing prepared to be amazed at some of the facts in this book. Here you will meet cockroaches that will eat anything including hair! Ants and their antics, whose entire population weighs more than humans. You will also encounter a flightless vegetarian with a face like a samurai warrior that is heavier than a sparrow and so much more... Record Breaking Bugs...We may think humans rule the planet, but actually insects outnumber us and at a rough guess there are ten quintillion insects alive at any one time! This series looks at some of the most amazing adaptations of modern insects: their beauty, camouflage, engineering skills, senses, weapons, defences and sneaky survival tricks, plus some of the ways both welcome and otherwise they affect humanity

Magnificent Mini Bugs

by Matt Turner

Published 4 April 2017
Magnificent Mini Bugs...don t be fooled by size. Some of the most powerful creatures are the smallest! It s a good life for a parasite, you will find a few here,. You will also find the truly nasty plague bacteria, so deadly it has often changed the course of history. If you are interested in becoming a doctor or a vet you will come across many of these mini beasts. `You have been warned! Record Breaking Bugs...We may think humans rule the planet, but actually insects outnumber us and at a rough guess there are ten quintillion insects alive at any one time! This series looks at some of the most amazing adaptations of modern insects: their beauty, camouflage, engineering skills, senses, weapons, defences and sneaky survival tricks, plus some of the ways both welcome and otherwise they affect humanity

Super Spiders

by Matt Turner

Published 4 April 2017
Super prepared to be amazed at some of the facts in this book. For many of us spiders are fearsome creatures but they are also fascinating to study and very successful. In this book you will come across spitting spiders, jumping spiders, diving spiders that live near ponds, some cute boggle-eyed spiders, large hairy tarantulas and of course the one nobody really wants to meet the Black Widow. Record Breaking Bugs...We may think humans rule the planet, but actually insects outnumber us and at a rough guess there are ten quintillion insects alive at any one time! This series looks at some of the most amazing adaptations of modern insects: their beauty, camouflage, engineering skills, senses, weapons, defences and sneaky survival tricks, plus some of the ways both welcome and otherwise they affect humanity