3 total works
Be prepared for change by ensuring that you are current in accounting and auditing developments affecting government. Learn the latest accounting and auditing developments affecting governments by covering these hot topics:
- Risk assessment
- Documentation
- Leases
- Yellow Book
- Major program determination
- New GASB pronouncements
Learn the latest accounting and auditing developments affecting not-for-profits so that accountants, auditors, and financial managers can prepare financial statements with confidence. This work covers new FASB requirements and information on the latest OMB and Yellow Book developments. It features major program determination and case studies related to revenue recognition and auditing documentation and covers hot topics including:
- NFP financial statements
- Risk assessment
- Documentation
- Leases
- Yellow Book
- Major program determination Key changes
- GASB updates including GASB Statement No. 91, Conduit Debt Obligations
- AICPA activities including changes to the auditor's report
- FASB updates including revenue recognition, grants and contracts, updating the definition of collections, and implementation issue surrounding the financial reporting standard
- Federal government activities including updates to the Compliance Supplement and proposed changes to the Uniform Guidance
Accounting and Reporting for Not-for-Profit Organizations
by Melisa F. Galasso
This title provides the tools necessary to go beyond the theory and create value-added services for accountants’ clients. In the not-for-profit arena. This book allows readers to examine, evaluate, and perform case studies, which will enhance their working knowledge of fundamental not-for-profit accounting and reporting, presentation requirements, note disclosures unique to not-for-profits, and options allowed under generally accepted accounting principles.
Key topics include:
- Financial statement presentation, including FASB's financial reporting standard
- Statement of activities
- Statement of financial position and statement of cash flow
- Note disclosures
- Contribution concepts
- Functional expense and allocation of costs
- Endowments
- Operating versus non-operating
- Split interest agreements and beneficial trusts
- Agency transactions
- Programmatic investments
- Common financial statement mistakes