Book 4

Wiley Practical Applications in IFRS Reporting surveys accounting practices and trends of financial reporting in the top 100 companies located and listed both in North America and internationally. Each chapter consists of a brief summary of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) tables, summarizing key trends, and excerpts of financial disclosure from annual reports of companies from North America and Emerging Markets countries including Mexico, Brazil, India, Egypt, Czech Republic, and others. Written for accountants, analysts, finance professionals, and IFRS-compliant finance statement preparers, this book authentically demonstrates the practical application of IFRS.

An easy-to-understand introduction to the basics of IFRS A quick source of reference in issues of interest to financial statement preparers, users, and analysts, Understanding IFRS Fundamentals provides simple explanations of IFRS standards. Arranged topically, the book is a quick source of reference to find answers to issues of common interest to financial statement preparers and users. A one-stop resource to all things IFRS, this quick reference IFRS guide includes easy-to-understand IFRS/IAS explanations, practical insights, case studies, and illustrations that greatly facilitate understanding of the practical implementation issues involved in applying these complex standards. Abbas Ali Mirza, CPA, ACA, AICWA (Dubai, UAE), is a Senior Partner with Deloitte's regional Assurance and Advisory committee.