Your fastest route to a whole new level of marketing prowess! When those big marketing decisions loom and success hangs in the balance, you need reliable, authoritative information immediately-not tomorrow, not next week, NOW! With The Fast Forward MBA in Marketing as your constant companion, you've got it! In this resource you'll find clear, concise coverage of the complete range of essential marketing topics in a format designed especially for people who need answers quickly. You'll also find cutting-edge ideas from highly regarded thinkers and doers and the world's best MBA programs.
This indispensable guide brings you: Essential marketing concepts-product, price, place, and promotion A rapid-fire overview of marketing innovations, technological breakthroughs, and important trends of the past decade The latest methods and suggestions for solving your toughest marketing problems Cutting-edge articles from Marketing Tools magazine that illustrate how successful entrepreneurs and businesses employ these concepts in the real world Multiple access points -index, cross-references, and icons - that lead you quickly to the answers you need A convenient format with short, lively entries that tell you what you need to know without bogging you down in theory Whether you're a hard-driving entrepreneur, a busy marketing specialist or manager, or a recent graduate eager to make your way in the business world, The Fast Forward MBA in Marketing puts the knowledge you need where you need it most -right in the palm of your hand.