Book 1

Hostages of the Jade Wolf

by Keith Brumpton

Published 19 September 2003
When Rinki’s neighbours are pig-napped from their village, he’s determined rescue them – even if it means a treacherous quest through the forest... But it’s not long before Rinki crosses paths with Stinki, courageous Samurai, and Dinki, beautiful pig priestess. Together they form the formidable Kung-Fu Pigs -

a force to be reckoned with! Can they take on the wily Jade Wolf and win...?

Book 3

The Temple of Ghosts

by Keith Brumpton

Published 19 March 2004
Legend has it that in the far south of the Pork-i kingdom there is a crumbling old temple. Anyone who can spend a night there and live to see the dawn will be rewarded with fabulous treasure. By order of greedy Emperor Ping-Pong, the Kung-Fu Pigs agree to take up the challenge. But when they see the temple where they must spend the night, their hearts sink like very heavy dumplings. This must be the spookiest building in the whole kingdom| Will any of them live to see daybreak?

Curse of the Vampire Squirrels

by Keith Brumpton

Published 17 September 2004
The emperor has got himself in a pickle. In exchange for peace with the neighbouring kingdom (at least for a while), he has promised to marry Princess Yukkifoto. But the only route to his would-be bride takes him through the terrifying lands of the vampire squirrels. At least he can order the Kung-Fu pigs to protect him. But can the fearless threesome complete the journey and stop the emperor from becoming a squirrel snack along the way?