Short, Sweet and Sexy

by Cara Summers

Published 1 October 2002

Lawyer A. J.

Potter needs a solid case-not a man. Only, little did she guess when she wore her roommate's "man-magnet" skirt to convince the firm's partners to take her seriously, that she'd end up with both! The case-to defend a retired jewelry thief. The man-Sam Romano, the sexy P.I. who thinks her client is guilty. A.J.'s solution? To keep Sam so "busy," he won't have the time-or the desire- to think about work....

Otherwise Engaged

by Cara Summers

Published 1 January 2001

When Tyler Sheridan discovers through the personal ads that her groom isn't planning to show up for their wedding, she thinks it can't get any worse. That is, until she hooks up with seriously sexy P.I. Nick Romano to find her erstwhile fiance...and ends up wishing her had taken out his ad sooner...

Nick Romano has had it-with the detective business and with women! But when gorgeous, desperate Tyler shows up at his door, what can he do but help her out? Only he'd never guessed how good they'd be together-in bed and out. But a future isn't in the cards for them. Especially since Tyler's still wearing another man's ring...

Moonstruck In Manhattan

by Cara Summers

Published 1 December 2001

Can a skirt really act as a man-magnet? Freelance writer Chelsea Brockway doesn't believe it for a minute, but the idea is her ticket to getting her own monthly column.

Only, once she gives the skirt a test drive, she's amazed to discover it actually works! Suddenly she has men falling at her feet! Even her sexy new boss, Zach McDaniels, is making it clear he wants Chelsea in his bed. Too bad he also wants her out of a job….