Lecture Notes in Mathematics
1 primary work
Book 1649
Vector Bundles on Curves - New Directions
by Shrawan Kumar, Gerard Laumon, and Ulrich Stuhler
Published 28 January 1997
The book gives a survey of some recent developments in the theory of bundles on curves arising out of the work of Drinfeld and from insights coming from Theoretical Physics. It deals with: 1. The relation between conformal blocks and generalised theta functions (Lectures by S. Kumar) 2. Drinfeld Shtukas (Lectures by G. Laumon) 3. Drinfeld modules and Elliptic Sheaves (Lectures by U. Stuhler) The latter topics are useful in connection with Langlands programme for function fields. The contents of the book would give a comprehensive introduction of these topics to graduate students and researchers.