Modern Languages for All

by Keith Bovair and M. Bovair

Published 30 July 1992
Since the Warnock Report of 1978, and especially since the advent of the GCSE, there has been a move towards integrating children with special educational needs into the mainstream classroom. With 1992 and the likely effects of a single Europe upon us, the need for children to speak a second language becomes even more of a priority. Therefore, language teachers must do what they can to impart language skills to pupils of all levels of ability and not only those in the top streams, as has traditionally been the case. This book offers practical help and advice to the language teacher to enable them to provide access to modern languages across the whole ability range. It provides tips on teaching such pupils which can also be used with mainstream lecturers, and it offers a viable alternative method for learning another language. An appendix includes examples of work for children with learning difficulties.