Pseudoanalytic function theory generalizes and preserves many crucial features of complex analytic function theory. The Cauchy-Riemann system is replaced by a much more general first-order system with variable coefficients which turns out to be closely related to important equations of mathematical physics. This relation supplies powerful tools for studying and solving Schroedinger, Dirac, Maxwell, Klein-Gordon and other equations with the aid of complex-analytic methods.

The book is dedicated to these recent developments in pseudoanalytic function theory and their applications as well as to multidimensional generalizations.

It is directed to undergraduates, graduate students and researchers interested in complex-analytic methods, solution techniques for equations of mathematical physics, partial and ordinary differential equations.

This book provides an introduction to the most recent developments in the theory and practice of direct and inverse Sturm-Liouville problems on finite and infinite intervals. A universal approach for practical solving of direct and inverse spectral and scattering problems is presented, based on the notion of transmutation (transformation) operators and their efficient construction. Analytical representations for solutions of Sturm-Liouville equations as well as for the integral kernels of the transmutation operators are derived in the form of functional series revealing interesting special features and lending themselves to direct and simple numerical solution of a wide variety of problems.

The book is written for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as for mathematicians, physicists and engineers interested in direct and inverse spectral problems.