Freedom at last! But there’s an awfully long time between cornflakes and cocoa, and a limit to how many sudokus you can do. You need survival skills:

FINANCIAL WIZARDRY: how to get three cups of tea out of one bag.

SPARKLING CONVERSATION: 300 different ways to discuss the weather.

This mischievous little book will help you enjoy your golden years with tongue-in-cheek advice and cheeky illustrations. 

For richer for poorer, for better for worse, for ever for Pete’s sake! This could run longer than The Mousetrap. You need survival skills:

  • STAYING POWER: to withstand critical relatives, money being wasted and boredom — and that’s just the wedding reception.
  • DIPLOMACY: your partner is always right, even when they’re wrong. They must be —they picked you!

Marriage has its ups and downs — like a white-knuckle ride, only slightly longer!

You’re back from hospital clutching your precious bundle — then you realise you’ve got your Louis Vuitton bag but left the baby behind! You need survival skills: 

  • COURAGE: for the crying, the waking in the night and the tantrums — and when the baby starts that too it’s even worse.
  • PATIENCE: of a saint, and the disposable income of a Premier League footballer.

Who knows, your kids might be perfect. You will be hated by every other parent, but that’s a small price to pay, isn’t it?

At last, no more parents! But who's going to do your washing, and bail you out when you're short of cash? Hmm, you're going to need survival skills:

  • Think positively: don't think of it as a student loan, think of it as the government's round (every night for three years).
  • Do try to sleep well. Don't do it during lectures.

This mischievous little book will help you see through your university years with tongue-in-cheek advice and cheeky illustrations.